First blast from the Nancy Alvarez newsletter, April 18, 2011

See and read what I’ll be doing

My website for “Little Nancy: The Journey Home” is now up and running.  I will be blogging every Monday or Tuesday, depending on my schedule, so please visit the blog and write your responses so we can have a dialogue with one another.  The newsletter blasts will be sent bi-monthly, with articles I have read and think you’ll enjoy, notices about upcoming “Little Nancy” events, as well as new workshops, new weekend dates, and news about what I’m doing that month and in the future.  I will keep it short and sweet, so you’re not bombarded, but rather updated and informed with interesting stuff we can talk about.  Check it out:  I can’t wait to see how this new journey unfolds and invite you to be a part of the process.

Most of all, play with what you find here.  To me, that seems key.  Remembering how to play is the beginning, and this is a great place to start.

Blog to me and each other.  Do what women do so well: converse and connect.


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