I haven’t posted in a long time, I think because I’ve been pretty depressed about the direction out country is taking. But as a friend of mine has posted on her website, it isn’t healthy to feel so distressed day in and day out. She said she vowed to take only one action per day and then do something she enjoyed. Like that idea lots. My ‘action’ today is writing this blog! Not totally true. We are going to a social justice committee meeting for the first time in the small city where we now live. Getting active seems another way to combat my malaise. Good way to meet new friends too, I suspect. The other thing to relate is that I have been re-writing Book Two of ‘Mishpocheh’ and am enjoying the work.Getting such positive feedback on Book One has been a boon! Somewhere around chapter 35 I realized that Book Two is really a love song to my mother. I knew I loved her, but hadn’t realized how much she had impacted my life: her spirit, way of behaving, the groups she was forever joining, her involvement in life, mine included and on and on. My relationships with my two daughters is largely based on my relationship with her. So in this dark time I still have much to be grateful for. I just have to remind myself of that several times a day, which shouldn’t be difficult. Tonight I’m meeting both of them for dinner, a treat for me. Next post I’ll talk about why I suggested meeting. That’s a whole other discussion, relevant to those of us who are aging!
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