I am totally off kilter, which is probably obvious because I’m writing this on a Tuesday and not a Monday. I had never realized how many little details that would have to be taken care of with this move: silly me. And this is on top of unpacking, which was grueling and no fun, despite getting to set up our new home together, instead of Wonono moving into my already established one. It just felt tiring after the eight hour plus drive to get us here in our two vehicles. We are ‘settled’, everything unpacked, plants watered and in place, pictures hung downstairs, in my office and his, and in our bedroom, but I still feel unsettled. I am used to having friends to see, have tea with, etc. and that part of my life is totally absent. It makes me feel more reliant on my partner, which doesn’t feel comfortable to either one of us. He is more used to flying solo, friends not an issue. My older daughter is planning a wine event so that I can meet some older women she knows through her work whom she thinks I will like and vice versa, which could be a big help. Both daughters are being terrific, loving and helpful and present, and my grandsons Gus and Zeke are the very best. So much fun. Hmm, writing this I realize it is the Wednesday morning Nia class here whose energy appeals to me. Tea request would be a good idea. Nia is tomorrow morning, so that’ll be a good time to get started in this new resolve.
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